JMD Nutzungsbedingungen


 If you only want to get to know what jmd4you offers and look at our websites, you do not need to register.
 Registration is necessary if you want to use our offer actively and take advantage of the chat facility or individual advice.

 To register, you must enter a username (a freely chosen nickname) and a password.
 The password should consist of a combination of numbers and letters (upper and lower case). Important notice: If you are also registered on other websites, then for security reasons you should use different access data for jmd4you!
 In addition to your password, we require your age and gender and whether you are a citizen of an EU member state. (This query is based on support-related criteria)
 You can choose whether or not to enter your e-mail address. The system can then inform you by e-mail if there is a reply from your JMD advisor. The system can also inform you if your JMD advisor is ill. Another benefit is that the system can send you a new password if you forget your password. If you do not enter your e-mail address, we cannot send you a new password and you will have to register once again. (Your previous questions and answers will then no longer be accessible)
 We would like to ask you about your experiences and whether you are satisfied with the service at the latest after completing the online consultation. If you do not want to receive e-mails from us about this, you will need to change the setting in your profile.
 All other requested data is also voluntary.
 All of the data entered in your profile is subject to data protection. Under no circumstances will we forward your data to third parties. During the individual consultation, the date and time of the answers are saved in a log file. The conversations of the topic chat and group chats are stored in a chat log. The saved data is evaluated merely for statistical purposes. The data shall not be transferred to any third party. With each access (login) to and for the duration of a consultation process, the IP (internet protocol) and the login date are stored in a log file. This is done only for cases of extreme threats of violence (cf. §138 StGB). In such cases we are obliged to forward the IP address to the responsible authorities.

JMD is part of the initiative
Intitative Jugend stärken
Funded by
Bundesminiterium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend
Funded by
Europa fördert
to the Jugend­migrationsdienste portal
This project is financed from resources allocated by Asylum, Migration and Integration Funds
Europäische Union